TAG Industrial Watch: March 5, 2022

In today’s interconnected global economy, even a war between Russia and Ukraine can impact the industrial real estate market here at home. Russia’s invasion of its neighbor and retaliatory sanctions are likely to only worsen price inflation by further disrupting the global supply chain. While wheat and oil have garnered much of the attention given Russia and Ukraine’s high production of both commodities, important building materials like copper are also at stake. Despite President Biden’s focus on alleviating the supply chain chaos, his plans don’t seem to offer any meaningful immediate impact. Consequently, the issues plaguing industrial developers will likely worsen, but will further support demand for existing properties.

I N D U S T R I A L   N E W S

White House Lays Out Broad Changes To Address Supply-Chain Shortfalls
The Wall Street Journal – February 24, 2022
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How A Russian invasion Of Ukraine, The ‘Breadbasket Of Europe,’ Could Hit Supply Chains
CNBC – February 23, 2022
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Life Sciences Firms Look To Bring Manufacturing Stateside Amid Supply Chain Woes
Globe St. – February 16, 2022
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E-Commerce Powers The Rise Of Multistory Industrial Projects
Commercial Property Executive – March 1, 2022
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Supply Chain Issues Are Here To Stay. Are Procurement Teams The Answer? 
Bisnow – March 1, 2022
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R E G I O N A L   N E W S

Warehouse Leasing Wars: Chicago Demand Drives Competition 
RE journals – March 1, 2022
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City Of The Decade? Report Names DFW As The Nation’s Most Active Real Estate Market
Bisnow – February 18, 2022
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Online Furniture Company Sets Sights On Houston’s TGS Cedar Port Industrial Park
Bisnow – February 15, 2022
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Industrial Food Production Facility In Louisville Changes Hands
Mile High CRE – March 1, 2022
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Top 5 Emerging Industrial Markets 
Commercial Property Executive – February 24, 2022
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