TAG Industrial Watch: December 19, 2020

“Some experts predict the second half of 2021 will show property values closer to pre-pandemic levels, with upcoming vaccine approvals and talk of another stimulus package. Investors looking to take advantage of distressed assets or negotiate pricing reflecting struggling rent growth in CRE may be running short on time. For the most part, industrial property values have held fairly strong throughout the pandemic in its entirety. However, the buyer-seller gap is predicted to narrow further once a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available and uncertainty weans. At this point, it seems there’s nowhere to go but up.”  -Adam Abushagur



I N D U S T R I A L   N E W S

Distressed Commercial-Property Sales Seen Surpassing Last Crisis
Bloomberg – December 14, 2020
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Cold Storage Continues To Dominate The Industrial World
GlobeSt – December 15, 2020
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Proposed Stimulus Bill Represents Benefits, Challenges For CRE
Connect – December 15, 2020
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T E X A S   N E W S

Houston Takes The Spotlight For Corporate Relocations, Offsetting
Expectations Of Slow Job Growth In 2021

Bisnow – December 9, 2020
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Tesla and Oracle Texas Moves Portend Austin As A New Tech Hub
GlobeSt – December 15, 2020
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DFW Startup That’s Grown To 9-Figure Valuation Names New
Leader As It Prepares For Next Stage Of Growth

Bloomberg – December 14, 2020
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K A N S A S / M I S S O U R I   N E W S 

St. Louis Developer Wants To Add Affordable Housing
To North City Industrial Area

St. Louis Business Journal – December 14, 2020
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Cold Storage, Hot Assets
St. Louis Business Journal – December 11, 2020
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I L L I N O I S   N E W S

For Those With Industrial Real Estate Questions, Here Are Some Answers
ReJournals – December 15, 2020
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Companies Plan To Link ESG Goals To Executive Pay
GlobeSt. – December 15, 2020
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C O L O R A D O   N E W S

HighPoint Park Reaching New Heights
Colorado Real Estate Journal – December 14, 2020
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