TAG Industrial Market Watch: January 26, 2019

TAG Industrial Market Watch: January 26, 2019

“The industrial market is hot, and experts say any downturn in Dallas Fort-Worth will likely be mild. The area is attractive to nonnatives with fundamentals like lower taxes and less regulation than other states, leading businesses to look here. DFW is even projected to be one of the top markets in the country for warehouse building and leasing. Although labor is in low supply, it is still attractively affordable. Because vacancy rates are still extremely low, DFW is sitting pretty—even with any discrepancy in supply and demand.”

Adam Abushagur

Vice President Invesments

Managing Director- TAG Industrial

I N D U S T R I A L   N E W S

SIOR Global President Robert Thornburgh on CRE’s 2019 Threats & Opportunities
Connect Commercial Real Estate- January 18, 2019
DFW Industrial Would Take A Hit In Recession, But Probably A Mild One
BisNow- January 24, 2019
D-FW will top the country in warehouse building and leasing, new forecast says
Dallas News- January 25, 2019

R E G I O N A L   N E W S

Plano residents get first look at Collin Creek mall redo plan
The Dallas Morning News – January 24, 2019
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Industrial space totalling nearly 300,000SF breaks ground in Grand Prairie
Fort Worth Business – January 22, 2019

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Mixed-use project planned for land between Frisco’s Dr Pepper Ballpark and Ikea
The Dallas Morning News – Business – January 15, 2019

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N A T I O N A L   N E W S

Government shutdown poses increasing risk to wider economy
Dallas Business Journal – January 24, 2019

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White House Says No Growth Possible This Quarter on Shutdown

National Real Estate Investor – January 23, 2019

More homes are for sale, but fewer are affordable

CNBC – Real Estate – January 23, 2019

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