TAG Industrial Watch: August 14, 2021

“Since dropping below 8,000 cases in late June, the 7-day moving average of new Covid-19 cases have skyrocketed by over 1,300% to over 113,000, a level not seen since early February. Despite the surge in new cases, the Delta variant is not having as big an impact on deaths, with the moving average rising 150% to 450 since bottoming out in early July. However, the rise in cases is already having an impact on policy makers. Since the CDC changed its guidelines over masks two weeks ago, new mask mandates have swept the nation, including industrial real estate’s fastest-growing market, Dallas, Texas (KERA News). Just as retail shopping has recovered, the Delta variant threatens a return to shutdowns, forcing many in-person transactions back online. While this would be devastating for the overall economy again, this new threat provides more support to historic valuations seen in industrial real estate this year.” -Adam Abushagur


I N D U S T R I A L   N E W S

The Delta Variant Is On The Move So How Confident
Is CRE Now In The Recovery?

Globe St.- July 16, 2021
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Despite Delta, Retailers, Lenders And Landlords Say Foreclosure
Fears Aren’t Coming Back

Bisnow – August 11, 2021
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U.S. Industrial Posts Absorption Of 100M+ SF For Third Straight Quarter
Connect National – August 6, 2021
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Industrial Deals Set To Exceed Last Year’s Record Numbers
Globe St. – July 28, 2021
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American Shopping Is Back To Pre-Pandemic Levels.
That’s A Big Deal

CNN – August 14, 2021
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R E G I O N A L   N E W S

Dallas County Has A New Indoor Mask Mandate.
Here’s What You Need To Know

Kera News – August 11, 2021
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Both Hope And Challenges Face Kansas City CRE Market As It
Continues To Fight Through Pandemic

ReJournals – August 6, 2021
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Rivian Considers $5 Billion EV Plant In Texas, Document Shows
Reuters – August 11, 2021
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The Top US Industrial Markets For H1 2021
Globe St. –  August 11, 2021
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Adams County Industrial Property And Its Empty
Parking Lot Sells For $21 Million

The Denver Post – August 10, 2021
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