TAG Industrial Watch: May 11, 2024

After rebounding from pandemic lows when many plants were forcibly closed, manufacturing activity has completely stalled out for two straight years since the second quarter of 2022. During this time, manufacturing employment has flatlined and output has stagnated at best. This comes at a time when $174 billion in short-term manufacturing loans are coming due within the next year (FRED). For manufacturers who own their facilities, now is a good time to consider a sale-leaseback in which you sell your property to an investor in exchange for renting it back. Sale-leasebacks are commonly used to raise capital to pay off business debt. Given the tough economic environment, owner-users who conduct a sale-leaseback may also have the opportunity to expand their business, especially if their competitors struggle under the pressure of 20-year high interest rates.

I N D U S T R I A L   N E W S

US Manufacturing Sector Regresses In April;
Prices Paid Near Two-Year High

Reuters – May 1, 2024
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US Job Openings Fall To 8.5 Million In March,
The Lowest Level In More Than 3 Years

ABC News – May 1, 2024
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Dallas Fed Manufacturing: Business
Conditions Continue To Worsen in April

Advisor Perspectives – April 29, 2024
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Industrial Markets With The Best Fundamentals
GlobeSt.com – April 10, 2024
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AI Has Quietly Become Part Of
Industrial Real Estate Development

Bisnow – May 2, 2024
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R E G I O N A L   N E W S

Houston Office Results Sluggish, Industrial Soaring
Connect CRE – April 25, 2024
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GTIS Partners Breaks Ground On 272,160 SF
Industrial Project Near DFW Airport

REBusiness  – April 29, 2024
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Chicago Tops All Metros In Office-To-Industrial Conversions.
Could Angry Locals Halt The Gravy Train?

Bisnow – April 21, 2024
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Top 5 Metros For Industrial Deliveries
Commercial Property Executive – April 29, 2024
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Port Cities Command Most
Aggressive Industrial Cap Rates

GlobeSt.com – May 2, 2024
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