TAG Industrial Watch: September 28, 2024

Despite economic data that should concern, top Wall Street investors remain optimistic, with the exception of one important figure. Jamie Dimon, the president of the world’s largest bank – JPMorganChase, recently shared his expectations. When it comes to stagflation, an economic environment with recession and high inflation, Dimon stated that he, “wouldn’t take it off the table” (CNBC). If you’ve been following TAG’s research over the last couple of years, you are aware that we consider stagflation a likely outcome. When it comes to industrial real estate, there are warning signs already showing.

Annual industrial demand is already at the lowest level since 2011 and continues to fall but equally concerning, annual rent growth is decelerating at an alarming rate. At 3.2%, asking rents have increased at their slowest pace since Q3 2013 and the growth rate is projected to dip into negative territory by the end of Q1 2025. While the annual increase in the consumer price index (CPI), recently slipped to 2.5%, high inflation is fundamentally still a threat to the U.S. economy as Jamie Dimon has indicated. If and when the CPI picks up as rents fall, industrial investors will personally have to contend with stagflation. This is why owning specialized industrial facilities that give landlords pricing power will be essential to building an industrial portfolio that will not only survive but thrive in such an environment.

I N D U S T R I A L   N E W S

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