TAG Industrial Watch: June 15, 2024

Take a look at recent headlines regarding industrial real estate and one would think the market has stabilized or is even booming. Globe Street recently reported, “Industrial Demand Slows and Vacancies Normalize,” Bisnow stated, “Somebody Lit A Fire’: Interest Rate Stability Reignites Industrial Deal Flow,” and Commercial Property Executive touted, “Boost in US Manufacturing Spurs Construction Boom.” Headlines like these can be misleading but industrial investors who follow TAG Industrial are aware that vacancies are approaching a decade’s high, deal flow (transactions) is at the lowest level since 2011, and the manufacturing industry is in recession and stagnant at best for two years. Despite the tough economic environment, TAG’s clients also know there are great opportunities out there that will likely outperform the overall commercial real estate market this decade, particularly among small industrial properties. Media outlets are always a great source of information but as the market and overall economy continue to fall into recession, investors should be wary when headlines don’t reflect reality.

I N D U S T R I A L   N E W S

Industrial Demand Slows And Vacancies Normalize
GlobeSt.com – June 4, 2024
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‘Somebody Lit A Fire’: Interest Rate Stability
Reignites Industrial Deal Flow

Bisnow – June 9, 2024
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Boost In US Manufacturing Spurs Construction Boom
Commercial Property Executive – June 6, 2024
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Industrial Tenants Stage Spring Leasing Surge
CoStar – June 5, 2024
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Inflation Slows In May, With Consumer
Prices Up 3.3% From A Year Ago

CNBC – June 12, 2024
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R E G I O N A L   N E W S

Hutto Chosen For 1.3M-SF Industrial Project
Connect CRE – May 14, 2024
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Chicago Industrial Build-To-Suits Begin Overtaking
Spec Builds As Developers Lose Appetite For Risk

Bisnow – May 23, 2024
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DRA Advisors Buys Dallas Industrial Portfolio
Commercial Property Executive – June 3, 2024
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These Industrial Markets Could See Turbulence
GlobeSt.com – June 7, 2024
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Tesla To Lay Off Nearly 2,700 Employees
At Gigafactory Texas: Notice

Fox 7 – April 23, 2024
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