TAG Industrial Watch: May 18, 2024

Although the year-over-year increase in the Consumer Price Index only slowed down by 10 basis points in April to 3.4%, the report has been optimistically received by investors hoping for a Fed rate cut. While there is still a good chance that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates on bank-to-bank loans before this year’s election, we should keep in mind that these cuts may not lead to lower commercial mortgage rates. During the first half of 2008 (when most experts denied that the economy was in recession), the Fed effectively cut its benchmark rate by 225 basis points down to 2.0%, however, 30-year fixed rate mortgage rates actually ticked up another 20 basis points to 6.3%.

This phenomenon happened because the economy was in the midst of a banking crisis centered around residential housing. Given how exposed small and regional banks are to the commercial real estate market, commercial mortgage rates could continue their march higher in the short term with or without Fed rate cuts. Industrial investors sitting on the sidelines waiting for lower rates should consider that rates may not be significantly lower in the future and potentially even higher.

I N D U S T R I A L   N E W S

Watch for These Signs of Recession
As the Fed Keeps Rates Elevated

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US Consumer Inflation Resumes Downward
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R E G I O N A L   N E W S

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SAF Holland Group Preleases 255,672 SF
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