TAG Industrial Watch: October 22, 2022
Historically, industrial demand peaks towards the end of the year, however, this year may be different. Last quarter, the number of transactions and square footage traded both slipped to the lowest quarterly levels since Q1 2021. As the U.S. economy confronts the toughest interest rate environment in nearly 15 years, investment demand may continue to struggle to keep pace with a historically high level of new listings. During Q3, a record 322.6 million square feet of industrial space was available for sale among the top 50 metros in the U.S., soaring 245% over last year’s totals during that time. With less than a month into Q4, the available space for sale has already jumped to 361.9 million square feet. With interest rates rising and more properties on the market than ever before, industrial real estate may quickly transition into a buyers’ market.
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