TAG Industrial Watch: October 30, 2021

“This Halloween, industrial real estate gets to skip the tricks and enjoy all the treats. While estimates vary, the conclusion of the third quarter saw continued improvement in America’s hottest commercial real estate market. The national vacancy rate fell to a record low around 4%, and industrial rents hit an all-time high of better than $7 per square foot. Developers set a new record with over 520 million square feet of space under construction, with this year’s total deliveries on track for 340 million square feet (The Real Deal). While the overall economy has begun to show early signs of stagflation, the industrial real estate market continues its remarkable run.” -Adam Abushagur


I N D U S T R I A L   N E W S

US Industrial Market Hit Records Across Several Metrics In Q3
The Real Deal – October 9, 2021
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Industrial Sales May Shatter Pre-COVID Records This Year
Globe St. – October 15, 2021
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Industrial Keeps Trajectory
Commercial Property Executive – October 26, 2021
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Industrial Production Falls 1.3% In September As Effects
From Hurricane Ida Linger

CNBC – October 18, 2021
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Economy Grew Just 2% Last Quarter As COVID-19 Raged,
Supply Snags Slowed Deliveries

USA Today – October 28, 2021
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R E G I O N A L   N E W S

Denver Industrial Market On Track To Set Record
As Office Looks To Recover

Mile High CRE – October 19, 2021
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Trammell Crow Co. Adds 2 Million Square Feet
To Fort Worth Industrial Portfolio

D Magazine – October 27, 2021
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MDH Partners Enters Chicago Market With Purchase Of
1.3 Million Square-Foot Industrial Portfolio

REJournals – October 19, 2021
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Mohr Capital Grows Industrial Land Acquisitions Practice
Cision – October 19, 2021
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Semiconductor Task Force To Lead Charge For Tech Development
Connect Texas – October 22, 2021
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