TAG Industrial Watch: February 20, 2021
“With all of industrial’s popularity, demand for assets in the sector have escalated, especially in the last year. But with increased interest comes stiff competition, for both purchasing and developing properties. While new investors are not in short supply, it may prove difficult to gain traction amidst seasoned industrial pros. All in all, new deliveries and projected completions suggest a healthy industrial outlook drawing continuous attention from opportunistic investors.” – Adam Abushagur
I N D U S T R I A L N E W S Leasing In Big-Box Buildings Breaks Records After Perfect Storm Fuels 2020 Market How Biden’s Climate Initiatives Will Affect Real Estate NCREIF’s Real Estate Indexes Seek To Provide Clarity Amid Complex Market Conditions CRE’s Pricing Disconnect
R E G I O N A L N E W S Companies Do Not Anticipate Requiring Vaccine Of Employees Two New Major Industrial Projects Start Up In Texas Sealy & Co. Acquires Houston Distribution Center Chicago Further Eases Indoor Dining Restrictions |